Organic Social Media

The competitive advantage social media brings dictates it as essential for most businesses in the modern marketplace. Distinct make sure you get that advantage.

Social media marketing presents a remarkable opportunity for many businesses. Most business owners understand they should be using social media, but are unsure how it works or how to effectively implement it into their marketing strategy. At distinct, we specialise in helping businesses of all functions and sizes utilise social media in order to push communication into the marketplace. Organic social media marketing is the term for utilising social media without paying to “boost” posts to an audience. It is a fine art that requires patience, however it allows for excellent return on investment when correctly utilised.
We start by understanding the message you want to convey to the marketplace, then work on how this message can be portrayed effectively on social media, shoot the content and lastly post that content to the correct platforms.This full service approach allows us to develop social media strategies that provide maximum output without adding burden to the business owner.
Organic social media allows you to communicate with your customers, or prospective customers, on a platform they constantly engage in. The amount of time people spend using social media platforms has grown exponentially over the past decade, and is not set to slow down anytime soon. For many businesses, it is critical they are using social media as part of their marketing strategy in order to stay relevant to the modern consumer.

Organic Social Media in Action

Anthony Deyn

Anthony Deyn approached us as he was curious about how he could use social media in order to market himself and gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace. Working with Anthony, we developed a number of series that positioned him as approachable as well as effective as a real estate agent. Follow the link to Anthony’s page and see how the content turned out.

Christchurch European

With a cluttered marketplace filled with comparison, how can a car yard encourage people to shop with it directly as opposed to a 3rd party platform like trademe? Creating engaging content that is released on a consistent basis, this content strategy seeks to develop online relationships and loyalty to the Christchurch European brand. Follow the link to Christchurch Europeans page and see how the content turned out.


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